20 Questions - #1 LUCY WILDHEART Pro boxer, IBO I/C Champ
There are a lot of amazing people in the world, and I want to highlight as many of them to you as I can. These are people who are living life on another level, chasing their dreams and working their ass off to achieve them!
So to showcase amazing people you need to follow, I have introduced a new series on the blog, ’20 Questions’. Below you’ll find a short interview with the star focus and at the bottom of the interview, you’ll find their social media links to follow their careers with.
Who are you – if you had to give an elevator pitch intro, what would you say I am Lucy Wildheart. I’m a professional and I am a professional boxer. I am a businesswoman, I entertain, I innovate and I am looking to influence change through boxing and a healthy lifestyle. I like scientific and modern approaches to problems. I outwork everyone and I look to do this in every way possible. I want to achieve greatness by working with and beating the best boxers in the business at their best. I have a strong moral compass and I know right from wrong, I stand for what I believe. What drives you as a person, what motivates you to leave mediocrity and chase greatness Firstly, I love the feeling of a great challenge. Something where I need to use my intelligence and strength. I am a perfectionist and I want clear results. I have a close relationship with my family and I want to make them proud and feel like they are a part of all my achievements.
What has been the biggest skill development hack you have found in your sport or profession/hobby – is it a certain training routine, use of a particular accessory etc To supplement my boxing training I also do Crossfit and Olympic Lifting. This has pushed my fitness levels greatly because you hit high amounts of high intensity minutes every session. It improves flexibility and all round strength. The olympic lifting requires extremely explosive strength which ups my power to be used in the ring. These hobbies mean I have to learn and practice new skills everyday like handstands and muscle ups which keeps training interesting and fun. How do you mentally prepare for your sport or profession – do you utilize things like visualization, journaling, or other mental preparation tactics I am relaxed in my preparations. It begins with upping the training with my trainer Sam Mullins. We have more sparring with different opponents closer to my fights which prepares my mind for a fight. When I am fighting or not I journal and track all of my training(mins & %), nutrition, sleep, weight…. everything! I do some visualizing close to a fight, always in my favor of course haha! Often it’s what I have been practicing that day and I visualise myself acting it out in the ring against my opponent. It makes me feel like a champion before I fall asleep.. When you compete/perform, do you have a routine that lets you get in the zone, do you have a ritual or procedure that gets you mentally prepared and a physical warm-up to acclimatize to perform In the past, I had been strict with routines because it created the feeling of having control. In recent years I have learned not to have any special routines, these routines often get interrupted and it can cause stress. Today, I am always prepared for everything and I live with the mindset, “Whatever comes my way, I am ready for it”. Laughing a lot is a great way to keep the body and mind happy. A happy boxer is a dangerous boxer. When you have failed, how have you managed to rebound, how did you deal with the fear of restarting, negative self-talk etc There is no failure in life if you choose to learn a lesson. There is always something to be learned. Have you noticed any similarities in the top performers in your industries, have you noticed anything they have or focus on that sets them apart from the other performers A mindset of steel and willingness to live the clean life as needed to be able to top perform. I have heard of top sportspeople who have been sick or injured a whole year before a world championship, only been able to train for a few months, and in the end won the whole thing. I would call a win like that made up of a great mindset. What is the worst chat-up line someone has used on you? “Could you please suck my dick?”. Our date had not even started yet, and I said “Go Fuck yourself!” and walked away. I don’t blame you, what a twat he was. Name one thing that really irritates you No manners. People who don’t respect others or being nasty for no reason. I could easily go tell people off. What is the worst thing a guy can do when dating – a red flag action that makes you want to dump him Talking only about himself, or only asking about me and not wanting to answer my questions about him. A conversation has to be nicely rolling with a couple of natural laughs, otherwise, I wouldn’t be interested. A lot of men see women in a sexual way first then as the performer or the artist, why do you think this happens? How would you change it? I don’t agree. Some may see it this way if that is how things are presented. For example, performers sexualize their promotion because it sells, there is a fine art to getting this mix right. Stay classy and your followers will stay focused on your performances. Who do you look at as great examples of men – can be a celebrity etc, not necessarily someone you’d date but a great demonstrator of being a good man? Why them? A man who has the drive to achieve and enjoy his work, who is striving to progress within his career. As well as being able to switch and become the funny family dad who provides and protects his family. He is loyal, has good manners, is clean, and looking after his health. The way he solves problems is by communicating. What are you most proud of in your life There are a couple of things I am very proud of in my life.
What do you like to do as a hobby? What do you do in your free time? There is a joke in Crossfit that people who do Crossfit only talk about Crossfit. Did I mention I like Crossfit! haha! My partner and I go to the gym together often and we like to do competitions for fun. Also, long walks or runs, days at the park or at the beach with my dogs. What has made you laugh out loud the last time Someone I know very well was walking through a house with a big bowl of peanuts, fell over and catapulted them all over the house and the people that were at the party. It was one of the moments you don’t know if the person was hurt or not and whether you can laugh or not. If you could change a law or a societal normal/something that would be immediately accepted by the masses, what would you do? Stricter rules on food being produced and sold. I think there are a lot of issues, our food is pumped with things like chemicals and worse. I really don’t like this. What is an unusual fact about yourself that few know that really surprise people when they hear it? I like country music, a nice western hat and I would like to get a farm or stable with horses when I retire from boxing. What is the best piece of advice you have ever been given? “It hurts to be the best, it has to hurt!”, was written on a letter from a friend and left on my doorstep. The saying comes originally from Patrik Sjöberg, he is a former olympic champion and world record holding high jumper. What would you want your legacy to be/written on your gravestone? Family is all! How can people keep in touch with you? Thanks for reading. Welcome to find me on social media, I can’t wait to see where life takes this amazing talent in 2021! |