#61 Aaron Alexander on how to align yourself to achieve your goals!


Today’s guest is the fabulous Aaron Alexander, a man on a mission to inspire millions of individuals to confidently re-inhabit their bodies and learn to be strong, flexible and pain free. He plans to do that by teaching yo how to move functional and efficiently during every daily task. Something I think is awesome! Our modern day society has gotten too use to our gadgets and luxury, and we are sitting ourselves into an early grave and terrifying old age scenario that we discuss in today’s episode.

Aaron’s philosophy is how you move through a room is how you move through your life and in this episode, we discuss his philosophy on movement, his story, how he helps his clients, simple ways you can move better and how this can transform your physical AND your emotional state. He is a lovely guy, very deep but gives straight forward, inspiring advice to help modern men realign themselves with their bodies and transform their lives.

Let’s get to the episode!



  • Who is he
  • What attracted him to learning about movement
  • What is the problem with the way we approach fitness in today’s society
  • Can you tell how someone feels emotionally by how they act physically or hold themselves
  • Where does he feel that men go wrong in today’s society
  • How can you become more in tune with their body and learn better movement patterns?
  • What is his opinion on modern day living and how it is affecting our general health
  • Can physical movement help with emotional pain?
  • How can we interrupt our common movement patterns and move/sit/lie better etc?
  • Simple things you can do to change your health, mind and focus straight away
  • So how do we learn to control our breathing and use it to our advantage – he provides two great method to learn 
  • His take on some of the newer styles of working out, movement and healing styles
  • His amazing podcast and how it has helped him look at the world of movement etc
  • What does he want people to take from this interview?


  • Guys with well developed Disco muscles may look good but they are rarely on a body that moves well. 
  • Your body is designed to do so much yet we seem to have moved away from the foundations that buiild an efficient body, that moves well, allows us to hunt, play sports, etc instead focusing on the effect of how it looks
  • Your whole day is a chance to move better and become healthier 
  • You can’t separate your emotional self with the physical self – one has an effect on the other
  • When you have the capacity to get all the way to the ground and come back up, you need to do it every day, this will have a massive effect on you when you age and how healthy you are in older age
  • We need to take great care with what we put in our minds 
  • The free simple changes, like breathing better, sitting better and focusing on how our bodies are moving are the best changes to make to give you the biggest improvement in the shortest space of time
  • Your breath is a toggle switch for your nervous system, if you can control your breath, you can help control your nervous system
  • IT is healthy to consider all sides of an argument, listen and really hear their perspective and see how it affects you, you are a product of your environment and listening to all sides will allow a more mature mind
  • Often the more fancy and complex the fitness aid is, the more you are damaging your self, you are outsourcing your body which is free and is much more sophisticated and useful than any man made aid



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About the Author
I’m a podcaster who interviews great examples of people to discuss and highlight the methods, hacks, tips and procedures you can use in your own life to help you develop and better your life. I would definitely not consider myself an expert, so to improve, I ask them and action it in my own life! My personal journey has been marked by awkwardness and awesomeness, OCD and ‘OMG’. I have suffered with depression, shyness, unhappiness and lack of focus and motivation so I know what’s it like to feel lost and hopeless. Back then, I wished I had a podcast to listen to and find actual fixes and concrete action steps and not just unobtainable suggestions and promotion of their products but couldn’t find it … so I made my own!

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