In this episode of Next Level Guy Podcast, we’re joined by Crystal Demopoulos, a professional MMA fighter, business owner, and exotic dancer. 

Crystal has transformed her life from a challenging past to become a force in both the fighting and business worlds. Known for her fierce fighting skills and graceful dance moves, Crystal’s story is one of resilience, self-improvement, and turning adversity into opportunity. Crystal is a living example of how you can achieve anything, no matter your starting point, by putting in the hard work and dedication. 

In this interview, she shares how she built herself up from difficult circumstances, developed mental toughness, and balanced her business, training, and dancing careers. Her unique perspective on life, competition, and self-growth will inspire you to take action and overcome your own obstacles. 

Key topics covered in this episode: 

  • How Crystal transformed her life from a dark place to a successful MMA career and thriving business
  • The connection between exotic dancing and MMA—how movement, grace, and strength intersect
  • Overcoming toxic relationships and building true friendships
  • How to channel aggressive energy into productive outlets
  • Training techniques for mental strength, physical recovery, and performance
  • Why exotic dancing and BJJ share important skillsets, like control and body awareness
  • How to approach training with the right mindset to maximize results
  • Building a successful business from a side hustle and chasing your goals without regrets.

Crystal’s advice on mindset, recovery, and turning aggression into action will leave you motivated to make real changes in your own life. Whether you’re pursuing a career in MMA, building a side business, or looking to improve your mindset, this interview is packed with practical tips and inspiration.

Listen to the full episode here:

#CrystalDemopoulos #MMA #BusinessOwner #ExoticDancer #MentalStrength #FighterMindset #BJJ #MartialArts #Competing #SideHustle #BusinessTips #FitnessJourney #SelfImprovement #OvercomingAdversity #Dancing #Mindset #Recovery #Aggression #FightLife



In this interview, we discuss gems like:

  • Who she is 
  • What she was like as a child
  • How an unruly kid is often a misunderstood kid, and just needs to find their place and an outlet to let them shine
  • How she found her way out of a very dark period of her life
  • How she worked on her life outlook to build true mental strength
  • How to identify toxic friends in your life and how to build true friendships
  • How did she learn how to deal with her aggressive energy from when she was younger
  • How her skill-set in MMA came from her exotic dancing style
  • Has she ever experienced negative feedback from people when they find out she is an exotic dancer
  • Why snap opinions of what someone does is a very stupid approach when deciding on the worth of someone. 
  • How does she transition between the primitive art of fighting to the graceful, and controlled art of dancing. 
  • Is there a link between exotic dancing and BJJ in terms of skill development, movement and learning techniques?
  • Should everyone learn to dance? Is it an art to awake the soul?
  • How does she setup her training week to learn the key concepts of MMA, build her business and dance. 
  • How can you build in training, a business or whatever you want to do in your life so you can chase your goals rather than having regrets
  • How has she improved her skill-set so dramatically so quickly. 
  • The best mindset to approach training with, to get the best return from your training
  • How has she setup her business for best chance of success
  • Her preferred recovery methods
  • How do you leave your ego at the door and get the most from your training
  • What she wants people to remember about being a fighter
  • How can we turn on the ‘aggression switch’ when we need to 
  • What does she want people to take from this interview and find out more about her


In this interview, a lot of jewels of self-improvement are discussed. Some of these and their associated thoughts include:

  • Crystal is a great example of what you can do when you put a smile on your face and give things your best shot! 
  • She balances the beautiful and the dangerous side of her personality so well. You don’t need to be defined by what you do or what you’ve done, you define who you are by your actions and what you do in the world. Let all sides of yourself out and let the beauty of both out to create in the world.
  • Communication is a great thing to work on. Be open and honest with what you want and talk to your parents, let them know what you think, by being open you can build trust and bond deeper with one another. 
  • You can make a change to improve your life, but you need to make the choice to change. You can take all the advice others give but until you decide you want more from life, you won’t go any further. Once you decide you want more, that you are valued and life is great, you can go far beyond what you ever thought was possible.
  • True friends are easy to identify, they always want the best for you, they never just want and take from you, true friends will push you to be better and support you throughout. Choose who you spend your energy on. Don’t spend time with those who suck your energy, pick those who want to build you up and push you on. 
  • If you are going to judge me then that that tells me so much about the person you are“. As she says, don’t be blinded about strong opinions about what someone does, get to know the person, who they are and judge them on their personality, not a hobby, or viewpoint of the world.
  • Whatever your passion is, learn how to express it in the world
  • What you spend your time on, is a great indicator of what you value in your life. Check your computer and phones for time used and on where you spend your time. You do have time to achieve your goals. Everyone has the same 24 hours. Cut out the wasted time, cut out Netflix etc (unless you want to) and use that saved time to chase your dreams instead.
  • People overestimate the basics“. Drill the basics until they are part of you, that you do them without thinking. Leave the fancy crap for special moments. The fundamentals is the main cause for success in the majority of cases. 
  • Crystal is a great example of someone who has not attended school but has not let that hold her back. She let her positive personality push her on, and when she found a road block or something she didn’t know, she looked for the information or help she needed to push through it. Be like Crystal, let nothing hold you back, find what you need to succeed.  
  • Confidence comes from knowing yourself‘” knowing your habits and moves. True confidence comes from passion and building habits over and over … and over.
  • You can overcome any obstacle if you choose to put in the fucking work



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About the Author
I’m a podcaster who interviews great examples of people to discuss and highlight the methods, hacks, tips and procedures you can use in your own life to help you develop and better your life. I would definitely not consider myself an expert, so to improve, I ask them and action it in my own life! My personal journey has been marked by awkwardness and awesomeness, OCD and ‘OMG’. I have suffered with depression, shyness, unhappiness and lack of focus and motivation so I know what’s it like to feel lost and hopeless. Back then, I wished I had a podcast to listen to and find actual fixes and concrete action steps and not just unobtainable suggestions and promotion of their products but couldn’t find it … so I made my own!

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