TODAY's GUEST IS Dr. John Delony!
Today’s guest is Dr. John Delony!
Dr. John Delony is a bestselling author, mental health expert and host of The Dr. John Delony Show.
John has two PhDs and over two decades of experience in counseling, crisis response and higher education.
He is the author of the bestselling books Own Your Past, Change Your Future and Redefining Anxiety.
His new book, Building a Non-Anxious Life, is now available and this is a game changer for your life and how you understand and deal with anxiety!
John has appeared on Fox News, Fox Business and Today and has been featured in the Real Simple and Fast Company magazines as well as HuffPost. He has also been a guest on The Minimalist Podcast, The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast and the Mind Pump Podcast.
John’s goal is to help people navigate tough decisions, improve their relationships, and believe they’re worth being well.
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- Take part on the talkshow by leaving a voicemail at 844.693.3291 or visiting johndelony.com/show.
- Dr. Delony offers amazing help and support on a number of topics on his YouTube channel.
- Buy a copy of his brilliant book here (affiliate link):
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KEY POINTS, Links & Actions
Here are some key points that I would advise you to concentrate on
- A lot of the traditional healing modalities aim to fix the symptoms but do not address the issues.
- Dr. Delony explains in his book how we are misunderstanding the nature of and how we view anxiety and depression. We tackle the alarm (anxiety) and not the actual fire (the problem that is truly causing our problems).
- Our behaviors are shaped by our childhood, we replicate what we see in the world in our developing years, and you may need to understand your parents and childhood to understand why we do certain things.
- To make a change in life, you will likely need to take the first step yourself. Find that twenty seconds of courage that Steve Kamb mentions and step into that new life you deserve.
- You can change your behavior and reaction to things, you can’t change what happens, but you can change how you react to them, how you view them and how you deal with them. You are in control.
- You are worthy of being loved, you are worthy of being happy, you are worthy of living anxiety free. You deserve a happy future. Own your past to change your future.
- A number of lifestyle choices such as diet, sleep, relationships with loved ones etc, can have a big impact on your mental health. By improving your sleep quality, diet and how you connect with loved ones can have a massive impact on your health and be a great help.
- You are not your thoughts – your thoughts are suggestions from your brain, using your bias, beliefs and previous experiences – the thoughts are not ‘you’! You can ignore them, learn from them, change them and do something difference. You are always in control regardless what your thoughts say!
- Mental health is not a badge of honor! It doesn’t define or explain who you or take anything away from you. It is just a part of you that you need to understand and learn how to use better to keep you safe, happier and effective.
- Be the example that you want your kids to be when they grow up.
- The book gives a fantastic set of frameworks that you can implement in your life, with key prompts that will help you understand what is happening and let you build the life you want and deserve.
- The media we consume has a big impact on how you view society, what we feel anxious about and helps set if we are anxious, depressed, or have a negative mindset. What we consume helps shape us … pick wisely!
- We are all trying to avoid discomfort in our life.
- Money and success will not make you happy if you are not happy in your own skin. The most important relationship is the one you have with yourself. Work to find yourself, work to fall in love with yourself first before sharing that love with others.
- Chase connection, not letting yourself fall into isolation.
- You need to find a mission that is bigger than you, bigger than your drama, you need to find something that helps you help others, give back to others and make the world better in some way.
- Too many men do not have a suitable role model for what masculinity and ‘being a man’ is today and follow morons on YouTube etc, who are prime examples of the least masculine men possible.
- We are not our mental health condition, it is just a health issue. You would get help for a broken leg, so why won’t you get help for your depression, anxiety etc? It’s not shameful, its sensible to seek the help you need.
- We can’t do this alone, we need to find friends, find a tribe, people who are there for you, who support you and will call each other out and help when the shit hits the fan.
- Texting is data transfer, not connection. Meet them in real life!
- Stop consuming crap, go and create something helpful for others.
Key lesson from this interview
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