How CBD May Reduce Anxiety-Related Behaviors in People with Conditions Such as PTSD and GAD?
Humans are complex organisms with many feelings and behaviors that are not found in any other life form. Nowadays most of the human population are so indulged in communication and being present all the time, that it has festered many psychological problems in our communities and on top of that list is anxiety. Nobody likes the feeling of being anxious, but it actually is a normal feeling inherent in all of us. Anxiety is a critical adaptive response that helps humans cope with threats to our safety and general welfare. Anxiety helps us avoid potential threats and then can often help motivate us to take a wiser course of action.
In the US alone, more than 18 percent of the population suffers from anxiety and while many of them leave these ailments untreated, those that do seek treatment tend to medicate with pharmaceuticals. Pharmaceuticals, granted effective, are expensive and majority of the population can’t afford the treatment or they just don’t like the idea of medication as their only source of treatment. This is where Cannabis (CBD) comes in, either through smoking it or custom cannabis packaging, which according to research is gaining traction in effectively treating anxiety disorders. And unlike the big pharma pills, cannabis is not nearly as addictive and is comparatively reasonably priced.
What is CBD?
Cannabidiol (CBD), is a chemical compound from the cannabis plant. It’s a naturally occurring substance that’s used in products like oils and edibles to impart a feeling of relaxation and calm. Unlike its cousin tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), it’s not psychoactive.
Let’s take a closer look on How CBD is used to treat Anxiety and Depression.
CBD Oil for Anxiety and Depression
In the past roughly six years, CBD has made headlines around the world as a potential treatment for anxiety disorders, ranging from mild to severe. Studies suggest that CBD counteracts many of THC’s adverse effects. Numerous animal studies and human studies indicate that CBD oil has powerful anti-anxiety properties. CBD oil is safe, non-toxic and may be beneficial to treat a number of anxiety-related disorders, including:
- Panic disorder
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Social phobia
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
- Mild to moderate depression
Even the National Institute on Drug Abuse says that according to research CBD has been shown to reduce stress and alleviate depression. Study subjects were observed as having lower behavioral signs of anxiety. Their physiological symptoms of anxiety, like increased heart rate, also improved.
Similar to Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) which are used in pharmaceutical antidepressants in the treatment of major depressive disorder and anxiety disorders, CBD may boost signaling through serotonin receptors. In an animal study, Spanish researchers found that CBD may affect serotonin faster than SSRIs. According to the study, “the fast onset of antidepressant action of CBD and the simultaneous anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) effect would solve some of the main limitations of current antidepressant therapies.”
How CBD Works against PTSD and GAD
From Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) to PTSD, studies suggest that CBD can have this same effect on all anxiety disorders. Chemical compounds in the plant called cannabinoids have shown versatile therapeutic effects by stimulating the body’s endocannabinoid system. The main cannabinoids are CBD and THC, with both known for their medicinal benefits while only THC possesses psychoactive effects. Cannabis’s medicinal efficacy can be maximized by incorporating the various cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids that are naturally found in cannabis plants like Indica and sativa. This improved understanding has helped cannabis become more well endorsed as a source of treatment and relief from conditions like anxiety, insomnia, and pain. It has also shown effectiveness in helping people suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder, or PTSD.
Benefits for using CBD against Anxiety
When it comes to anxiety, CBD seems to be much more helpful.
- It does not produce psychoactive effects so you won’t feel paranoid.
- It regulates many physiological processes such as sleep and appetite and also helps the body relax.
- It’s also proven to reduce chronic inflammation, which can make anxiety disorders worse.
It can also relieve physical symptoms of anxiety such as
- Relaxes muscles and relieves tension.
- Relieves nausea and bowel problems caused by severe anxiety disorders.
- Relieves headaches and tingling in your hands.
It can also reduce learned fears and helps with phobias such as
- It acutely decreases fear expression.
- It disrupts memory reconsolidation.
- It enhances fear extinction.
CBD can help empower the body’s endocannabinoid system and promote quality sleep, prevent traumatic memories from arising, as well as establish physical and emotional wellbeing to mitigate these devastating symptoms of PTSD and allowing patients to regain hold of their lives.
Guest post by Hassan Khan