TODAY's GUEST IS jamie date!

Today’s guest is Jamie Date!

Jamie is a men’s dating coach, whose aim is to teach men how to fall in love with themselves, so beautiful women can do the same. 

TikTok’s viral sensation, Jamie Date, prides herself on never having a bad date, and she can show you how. She has a knack for making the dating process fun and enjoyable, yet refrains from sugarcoating just what her clients need to hear to reach their dating goals. Jamie Date’s clients have found tremendous success learning how to attract more high-quality women, both in person and online.

As a professional catfish who picks up women just to show her clients how it’s done, Jamie will teach you the ins and outs of swiping left and right. She is an expert in conversation, banter, and can teach you how to escalate flirtation and build sexual tension with ease. Often called “The Red Flag Whisperer” she will coach you on how to identify red flags and how to navigate a healthy relationship…or relationships if that’s what you’re after.

With a background in door-to-door sales and a deep respect for men trying to better themselves, Jamie uses her interpersonal communicative expertise to teach with a very practical step-by-step approach to meeting and attracting women, no vague cliché advice here!

Whether it’s teaching the art of conversation or showing you how to own your confidence, Jamie’s approach is not only effective, but entertaining. Want to up your dating game? Jamie Date is the one to call.

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KEY POINTS, Links & Actions

Here are some key points that I would advise you to concentrate on:

  • Dating is a skill that we can all learn, it is not something that we are born with, we can learn how to connect better, and get the women we deserve in life. 
  • Jamie noticed that a lot of men go wrong in the same kinds of ways when they approach and try to connect with partners – hiring a coach like Jamie will help you eliminate these issues that hold the majority of men back from getting the partners they want!
  • Power, looks, a successful job is not enough anymore to be truly attractive and successful to help you connect and attract those you want in your life. 
  • Self-improvement and self-development is not a ‘you’ thing – you need to interact with people, to connect, to date, to evolve with and find your true authentic self by social connection.
  • Social groups, clubs and festivals, groups are fantastic places to meet new people, meet potential new friends and it is a perfect place to connect with like-minded people who share similar interests as you.
  • Men think of building attraction wrong. Think about it as an escalator, not an elevator! Lead with purpose and invite her into your fun, into your enjoyment of the world!  
  • Negging is a pointless exercise that is worthless and should be put in the bin! Forget pickup and learn how to connect properly with the people you want to have in your life.
  • You can learn how to date and have better relationships, but you don’t need to know everything to start or get better. To shorten the learning curve, you can hire a coach. Like you would do with the gym to build muscles, you would hire a PT, why not hire a dating coach to help you build your social connection muscles and have better dates!
  • There is a loneliness epidemic with men in today’s society, where men are losing their sense of self and belonging. We need to find ways to connect with one another again, be social, be a man again but connecting with other men, and find out who you are as a person. Forget red pill and find out how to be a man again! 
  • Physical health, mental health, social and spiritual are the key areas that Jamie advises that you focus on to keep reaching that next level in your life and becoming more attractive to other people. 
  • People are drawn to interesting people with interesting lives. Stop living a life others or society thinks you should have, find your true self and live who you truly are, not what others expect of you. 
  • Women mirror our energy, what we put out there will be mirrored back by her. Get rid of dinner dates, dates with stagnation. Build tension by moving about, look to try a sport, dancing, axe throwing etc.
  • Jamie used her skills in a sales company and learnt how to ‘sell herself’ as a potential partner better than others. What interests, experience etc do you have that makes you unique, interesting and can be used to ‘sell yourself’ to potential partner(s)?
  • Dating culture has changed over the last ten years to a complete role reversal and power dynamic change. Therefore, you need to change how you approach dating to see success – how do you do this? Follow Jamie’s socials and learn how to level up your dating! 
  • Looks only matter when we are viewing attraction via a male lens, women view our attraction in ‘if we have our shit together’ so it shows we can connect with them and look after both of us in a relationship. Women view our looks to see if we take care of ourselves, eat healthy etc, so they can tell we will be a long term healthy partner for them to connect with and potentially mate with. 
  • Our nutrition plays a massive part in how we feel within ourselves and the belief we have in ourselves. Eat better to live and think better! 
  • Fear will always be there when you try new things, try to be social and connect with others. Fear will always be there. The best people I have interviewed say they always feel it, acknowledge it and then tell it ‘not now’ and act anyway. By acknowledging it and even giving it a name, you see it and don’t hide from it, fear loses its edge and you can act rather than be controlled by fear. 
  • Your value is not gained by the people you date, the dating judgement of others or if you are dating or not – you need to find validation in other ways in your life that lets you feel validation internally not from external sources. 
  • Men and women are attracted in different ways. Men tend to lean towards physical attraction, whereas women look to men in terms of their social circumstances. 
  • A lot of the problems caused in relationships comes down to poor communication and lack of talking it out – we need to realise we are not mind readers, and need to talk it out with out partners. 
  • There are three ways to start meeting new people: cold approach, social life and dating apps. You need to pay attention to all three to really maximise your chances at success.
  • A Gratitude ritual, where you spend each day thinking of three things in your life that you are grateful for, really helps you begin to see the positives in your life and less of what you don’t have. Look for the positives in your life and promote them, rather than worry about what is not happening, and people are drawn to happy people! 
  • The best relationship that you will have, should be with yourself. You wouldn’t (or shouldn’t) let a partner speaks to you the way that most men let themselves speak to and about ourselves. Stop thinking negative and talking negatively about ourselves. By being negative, your brain thinks this is what you want and looks for all the negative things to support it. Think happier to live happier. 


Dating is a skill that we can all learn, it is not something that we are born with, we can learn how to connect better, and get the women we deserve in life. 

Jamie noticed that a lot of men go wrong in the same kinds of ways when they approach and try to connect with partners – hiring a coach like Jamie will help you eliminate these issues that hold the majority of men back from getting the partners they want!

Power, looks, a successful job is not enough anymore to be truly attractive and successful to help you connect and attract those you want in your life. 

Men think of building attraction wrong. Think about it as an escalator, not an elevator! Lead with purpose and invite her into your fun, into your enjoyment of the world!  Show her your true authentic self, show her how you have fun and she will be drawn to you, treat your dates like an old friend, remove her from the pedestal and start attracting the people you want and deserve in your life! 

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About the Author
I’m a podcaster who interviews great examples of people to discuss and highlight the methods, hacks, tips and procedures you can use in your own life to help you develop and better your life. I would definitely not consider myself an expert, so to improve, I ask them and action it in my own life! My personal journey has been marked by awkwardness and awesomeness, OCD and ‘OMG’. I have suffered with depression, shyness, unhappiness and lack of focus and motivation so I know what’s it like to feel lost and hopeless. Back then, I wished I had a podcast to listen to and find actual fixes and concrete action steps and not just unobtainable suggestions and promotion of their products but couldn’t find it … so I made my own!

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