TODAY's GUEST IS Jennifer Cohen!

Jennifer Cohen on How Bold Moves Today Can Transform Your Life Tomorrow

In this episode, we welcome entrepreneur and bestselling author Jennifer Cohen, who reveals why embracing boldness is the key to unlocking the life you want.

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Jennifer is a powerhouse in the business world as an entrepreneur, educator, and top-ranked podcaster. Her latest book, Bigger Better Bolder, reached #1 in Business on Amazon and became a Wall Street Journal Bestseller, showing readers how boldness can be a life-changing superpower. Known for her authority in health and wellness, Jennifer co-founded No Gym Required and Hot 5, which Weight Watchers acquired. She has also worked as a brand strategist and marketing advisor for major companies.

Her podcast, Habits and Hustle, consistently ranks in the top 10 business podcasts globally and has featured influential guests like Mark Cuban, Simon Sinek, Matthew McConaughey, Chelsea Handler, and Tony Robbins. With over 7 million views on her TEDx talk, Jennifer is an inspiring voice in wellness, productivity, and success strategies.

In this interview, Jennifer shares:

  • Why boldness is the ultimate superpower for creating the life you desire
  • Actionable principles for personal and professional success
  • The importance of small wins and how they build momentum
  • Steps you can take today to start transforming your life!

#JenniferCohen #BiggerBetterBolder #BoldnessSuperpower #HabitsAndHustle #SuccessMindset #HealthAndWellness #TopPodcast #MotivationalSpeaker #WSJBestseller #LevelUpYourLife

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KEY POINTS, Links & Actions

Here are some key points that I would advise you to concentrate on:

  • Life favours the bold. We all fit into the herd, but it is those who step out their comfort zone and step into their boldness, who will succeed. 
  • Sadly in society, we are controlled by other people’s opinions and stopped by worry about what people think of us. It is only late in life, that you realise no one is thinking about you anyway and worrying about themselves only … so what can you do now that you know no one is focusing on you, YOU can do what YOU want!
  • “Rejection stings for a moment … regret lives with you forever”!

  • Accepting being ‘good enough’ is a death sentence. You need to realise the comfort zone is just the warm area you stay in waiting for your death. It is outside the comfort that real life happens. 
  • Start small. Become bolder in small parts of life, let the confidence from doing this build confidence and self-esteem in you, and use this to jump into the next one, and slowly build up your bold attempts. 
  • Don’t try and do it all yourself, find your bold directors, other people who will inspire, motivate and push you onto success and to be bold in life, and you will do the same to them. Find people who will help you, coach you, inspire you, drive you on, encourage you and are like minded and you will help each other towards your goals. 
  • Boldness is a super power that we can all tap into and change our lives. 
  • The way to overcome self-doubt is by taking action and taking steps, doing things that are hard and towards what you want to do. 

Rejection is much easier to recover from than regret!

  • You can become more bold in each area of your life: education, relationships, work, money, and so much more! Look for opportunities to become more bold in all areas of your life … you are only restricted by the things you can see that can be changed, open your mind to not settling and consider all is possible to change and become more bold! 
  • Where you are uncomfortable asking for something is where you should start!” to become bold!  
  • Why not you? If it has been done before … why can’t you do it too? If there is not a path there, make one! Be bold, chase life!  
  • Boldness is finite, it doesn’t always last and can be hard to find but the good thing is that you only need to be bold for short bursts to change your life and make things better. 
  • Repeated bold moves in life will accumulate and compound to create big change and success in your life. 
  • You can not make someone do something. You can encourage others, or suggest or motivate. You need to want to change, to become bold and change your life. It is OK to live life the way you want, but there are new levels of life that you can enter, by becoming bold in life! 
  • If you don’t ask, you don’t get”!

  • Create a plan or a direction for how you will be more bold in life, don’t get bogged down in it, have a general aim to be more bold each day and start taking bold actions. “Start doing little things to be bold … pick a goal … and make 10 attempts at it … you may not get that thing” but it will open you up to opportunities and understandings that you didn’t even know existed. 
  • You can live the kind of live that you want. You don’t need to settle for the one that you have right now. However, the difference between the two takes action, it takes you starting today and becoming more bold in life! 
  • By being bold in your life, you will open up life in ways that you never thought were possible. 
  • Learn to love failure, try things and actually look forward to failing. You will become desensitized to failure, learn from the mistakes and you cut the learning time. Learn to love failure, it is taking you closer to your goals each time. 
  • We are not born bold, but any one can become bold with practice and trial and error. All it takes is practice and some small effort for massive returns! “Boldness is a skill” that we can all learn and harness for success in life. 
  • Your brain is not set, it (the Neuroplasticity ) is ‘fluid’ and can change and build new pathways. By doing new actions and habits, you can build into new ways of thinking and acting into your internal programming, “boldness is a muscle, it is not something that you do once or twice and then you are done for life … it is something you consistently act upon over and over again“.   
  • It is the story that we tell ourselves that holds us back. What BS story are you telling yourself that stops you getting what you want in life? Why not follow Brent Smith‘s advice and change your story (see episode #2). 
  • Look at your life in each area, and try and be bold in all areas of life. Try some self-reflection, and see where you are being bold and where you aren’t. Focus more on becoming bold in each area, to overhaul your overall life! 


Boldness is a super power that we can all tap into and change our lives. The way to overcome self-doubt and to start to change is by taking action and taking steps towards your goals, doing things that are hard and towards what you want to do. 

“Rejection is much easier to recover from than regret!”

You can become more bold in each area of your life: education, relationships, work, money, and so much more! Look for opportunities to become more bold in all areas of your life … you are only restricted by the things you can see that can be changed, open your mind to not settling and consider all is possible to change and become more bold! 

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About the Author
I’m a podcaster who interviews great examples of people to discuss and highlight the methods, hacks, tips and procedures you can use in your own life to help you develop and better your life. I would definitely not consider myself an expert, so to improve, I ask them and action it in my own life! My personal journey has been marked by awkwardness and awesomeness, OCD and ‘OMG’. I have suffered with depression, shyness, unhappiness and lack of focus and motivation so I know what’s it like to feel lost and hopeless. Back then, I wished I had a podcast to listen to and find actual fixes and concrete action steps and not just unobtainable suggestions and promotion of their products but couldn’t find it … so I made my own!

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