TODAY's GUEST IS Jordan Preisinger!
Today’s guest is Jordan Preisinger!
Jordan, more commonly known as “Jordan Teaches Jiujitsu” is a BJJ competitor, coach, business owner and content creator.
His YouTube channel has helped over 169,000 people improve their BJJ. His aim is to create content and courses that help you improve your BJJ quickly and to understand it in-depth. His style of teaching Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is different than most, as its primary focus is on highlighting the universal truths, principles, and concepts within Jiu Jitsu – that are easy to remember and utilize allowing you to learn BJJ at a deep level and level up your BJJ game.
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- Get trained by Jordan at the world famous ‘Limitless’ BJJ and Kickboxing gym.
- Jordan’s LinkTree is here.
- Attend the Training Retreat (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam – 7 days – Oct 28 ti Nov 4th 23)
- Jordan’s amazing ‘Jiu-Jitsu Theory’ course is here.
- Support Jordan on Patreon here.
- Sign up to Jordan’s newsletter here.
- Follow Jordan’s podcast on Apple Podcast and Google Podcasts here.
- Purchase BJJ instructionals by Jordan here. Not an affiliate link.
- Explore Jordan’s BJJ courses here.
- Pick up some merch here!
- Get a Limitless Rash-guard here.
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KEY POINTS, Links & Actions
Here are some key points that I would advise you to concentrate on
- You will learn BJJ faster by learning the concepts of BJJ rather than focusing on picking up techniques.
- “Yeah I would say there’s a huge problem in Jujisu where people they like think that technicality is like memorizing a bunch of techniques and you know it’s all techniques are are just like sequences you know … grip here and then you grip there and it’s like a sequence … it’s not taught is the actual inbetween the grappling … I think it’s very hard for people to navigate and learn jiu-jitsu because of that and that’s pretty much what everyone’s doing out there just showing techniques and like I feel like they’re doing a disservice to to grappers that want to learn.”
“… never let someone grab your head ever because that’s inside position. Never let someone grab an underhook because that’s inside position. And ah, never let someone get chest to chest unless you have ah an underhook right? So you know if someone gets tested chest on you with those grips you’re screwed you know so you need to use your frames to keep them away your frames are your your knees and your shin or your elbow and your forearm like these’s what we use to defend right? and their grips are our hands and our feet That’s how we used to grip people but grips can also frame so we need to always be gripping people searching for inside position preventing grips on us preventing inside position. We need to always keep our keep our frames in front until we can get grips and we need to always make sure our our frames are facing people because. Um, like defensively if your frames are are pointing away from your opponent hold. They can’t be used for their purpose which is you know managing distance right? So those things are really important.”
- You may have regrets about your past, but instead of ruing it, use it as motivational juice to push yourself to try harder in the present to build a better future.
- Jordan is a big fan of self-learning, using resources to learn and develop his skills. Imagine what you could do and learn by taking responsibility for your own learning and development.
- You are the author of your life story, each day is a new page to write in. Push yourself, level up, challenge yourself, to make everyday a better story to read.
“… you need to always put your chest on so on people to control them. So like all the dominant positions are like this so like mount eat your chest to chest side control chest to chest half guard chest to chest assuming they don’t have ah an e shield which is a frame. We have the back your chest to back and you always want to be centered on them. You want to keep their back on the mat like Justu people need to be more um they need to understand more from other grappling martial arts like sambo and and Judo and wrestling it’s all about pinning you pin someone you control them right? So what is a pin their back is on the mat. And because that objective isn’t clear on jujitsu people will just let people constantly turn on their side and you know how do you escape side control you get on your side. How do you? Escape mount you get on your side. How do you escape anything you get on your side. So if you pin people down you prevent the escapes and. How do you pin again, you keep them on their back. How do you do that? You go do you put your chest on them”
- Most BJJ performers struggle as they learn the technique but not actually use it against a resisting opponent, so it is fine to memorize the move but you need to learn how to use it in real-time by using situational sparring.
- You should look to continually improve your skills, shore up your weaknesses and develop on your skills.
- “I think strength and conditioning is important for people that lack physicality”
- Remember BJJ should be fun and enjoyable, don’t put so much pressure on yourself.
- You will get swept, submitted and beaten in rolls, lost the ego, look to improve every session, not ‘win’ every round and be led by the ego.
“… when you give people specific objectives, it makes things a lot easier, so for example, we do a lot of drills at my gym and a new person comes and they start with a drill … to pass the guard that’s confusing. It’s a lot of objectives there. But if the drill is very simple like this one we do … you got to keep the feet their feet off you and (if) their feet touch you which means basically means they’re establishing a guard you have to do 3 jumping jacks. But if you can get all the way around to a one hundred and eighty degree angle to you … get the angle right to get clear the legs and then they do 3 jumping jacks so the objective is so clear: It’s keep the feet off you and get around the legs get around the guard”
- Focus on having specific objective to achieve each session, such as keeping elbows tight, attempting certain takedowns etc. Keep them small and manageable, so that you can compound on the small wins to build your confidence.
- Look to use your physique but not have your BJJ game dominated by it. Learn technique, learn concepts, use strength, use speed, use pressure, use different styles, learn the whole range of games.
- Don’t just hold people down with strength and power, look to trial new things, test your defense, focus on your defense etc when going against a weaker opponent, so you can grow parts of your game that you struggle with, while giving your opponent a good game too.
- Use your physical advantages but don’t let them make up for your lack of technique.
- You don’t need to compete to truly learn BJJ.
- BJJ and martial arts are a great tool for helping improve your mental health, and deal with stress, anxiety and life issues in a more healthy way than drink, drugs and loose sex.
“… sometimes people make excuses for themselves like oh I’m not good because of this or that … in reality, you’re just not technical enough and it’s not because you haven’t memorized techniques, it’s because you haven’t understood the objectives, you haven’t understood how important it is to do things defensively and slow it down.”
Stop taking the sport so seriously. Enjoy it. Lost the ego. Compete if you want to but don’t if you don’t want to – there is no rules on what is right or wrong. Train your way. Train all areas of the game. But most importantly, do it for fun, do it for the benefits you get, and enjoy your time on the mats!
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