TODAY's GUEST IS Kris Gethin!

Today’s guest is Kris Gethin! 

Kris Gethin is one of the world’s most recognized transformation experts, with over 150 million people using his programs to build muscle, burn fat, and take control of their health. Twice voted the world’s No. 1 Transformation Expert, Kris has an unrivaled track record of helping people achieve life-changing results—no matter their starting point.

Through Kris Gethin Coaching, he delivers customized workout and nutrition programs, cutting-edge biohacking techniques, and one-on-one guidance to ensure his clients reach their peak potential. Whether you’re an athlete, a busy professional, or just getting started on your fitness journey, Kris provides the mindset, science, and strategies to help you break through plateaus and transform your body. If you’re ready to level up, there’s no one more committed to your success than Kris Gethin.

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KEY POINTS, Links & Actions

Here are some key points that I would advise you to concentrate on:

  • You can build the body of your dreams without needing chemical help, you just need experts like Kris to help!
  • Kris is a big fan of meditation in the morning to focus his actions – I would recommend Headspace for their guided meditation apps. 

“So it all depends where you live. like when i’m Because I travel about nine months of the year. When I’m in built up areas, you know whether it be London, l LA, Vegas, Mumbai, I am probably applying more biohacks than when I’m home. Because when I’m home, I live like on the outskirts of this of the city of Boise in Idaho. I’ve got a lot of greenery here. I don’t have as high EMF levels. I have beautiful weather outside, so I’m exposed to vitamin D. I can take my shoes and socks off. I can ground myself, blah, blah, blah. However, when I’m traveling, a lot of the time I’m staying in hotels where there’s a lot of Wi-Fi. There’s a lot of EMF. I take my EMF reader with me. So now I’m going to ground myself a lot more. I’m going to wear earthing trainers, that are grounding me the entire time. I’ll take my mat with me, possibly, um but you know i’m not always. ah There’s going to be a lot more artificial light because I’m generally going to be traveling and working indoors. So then I am wearing a blue light blocking glasses, particularly ah an hour before bed. That’s a non-negotiable anyway. And yeah it the biggest, the hardest thing I’d say when traveling is ensuring that the food that you’re getting is cooked in the right oils. So if you are, let’s say if you’re eating out at a nice fancy restaurant, ask them what are they cooking the food in? A lot of the time it’ll be soybean oil, canola oil, vegetable oil, whatever it may be. It’s going to be a highly inflammatory rancid oil. It’s not going to be like your avocado oil or your olive oil or anything like that. Not always, but a lot of the time. So just ask them to cook it in butter instead. If they have to cook in anything at all, a little bit of butter, but very light because it’s more natural. So, you know, i it all comes down to the specifics of where you are. But the one thing is a non-negotiable is going to bed early wearing red lens blue light blocking glasses because the red lens will block out all flicker.

  • Kris comes from Wales. He built a phenomeonal empire throughout the world, and doesn’t let anything hold him back. Imagine what you could do if you stopped letting the story you tell yourself hold you back, and changed it to one that you were the hero in? What could you do? Anything! 
  • Kris is a great example of what can happen when you chase your passions, when you wake up each day with intensity, become a student of learning, and continually look to level up your life every day.
  • Our culture of instant gratification is destroying so many men. We can’t change our bodies immediately, but if you want a body worth having, you need to put in the time and effort – but it will be so worth it! Set long term goals, and go for them!
  • A good coach will be hard on you, and push you and challenge you – your transformation is almost as part of their story as yours, they want you to do well, and will push you past your limits and find your true potential! 
  • Kris’s approach to transformation is to look past 3, 6, 12 month goals, and instead to make your fitness transformation, a system and part of your life, to live your success! 

Kris on changes Older athletes need to consider: “You know, everyone’s going to be individualized you know based on what they need to work on. ah The one mistake that I see with people that are older is that they generally try to do too much too soon because that’s what their younger self did. So they think, well, I did this, I did that, I did all eight eight of these things every single day. So I’m going to go back to that. Well, that usually leads to a sense of overwhelm because now as you’re older, you’ve probably got more responsibilities. Maybe you’ve got a family, but you’ve got, you know, taking kids to sports, whatever it may be. So it isn’t always there and applicable in the beginning until you’ve actually got down a routine where you’re managing your time a little bit more efficiently. Maybe your workouts are a little bit more efficient. You know, your food prep is it more efficient or now you you can utilize a food prep company because now they’re around everywhere. So I think it comes down to your time management more than anything, starting with one application and then the following week, the second and the third and the fourth. And again, it just comes down to the patients to do that because a lot of us want those results right now. Well, that usually does lead to a sense of overwhelm since, you know, while you get So many people join the gym in January with the best intentions, but that overwhelm overcomes them by February, and then they don’t go don’t go back to the gym.”

  • Look at your daily habits, screen time, food types you eat, walking etc. You can find small changes that will give you a big return for small changes. 
  • We need to work our muscles in a variety of way, including cardio! Kris aims for 20k steps per day AND cardio to improve his breathing and blood oxygen systems.
  • As we age, we can push ourselves hard – we just need to have our recovery methods dialled in, and that we focus as much on recovery, sleep well and manage stress.  

“It comes down to your ability to recover. you know I don’t train any different now at 50 as I did in my 20s. It’s the same thing, but I know might be that my ability to recover is very high. You know, I sleep, I go to bed at 7.30, 8 o’clock in the evening. You know I make sure that I unwind, I have my night-time routine. I’m doing everything that I can to ensure that inflammatory markers are at their lowest possible. you know I go very, very high on certain antioxidants, ah metal binders, blah, blah, blah. But the biggest thing is your ability to manage stress and to sleep, have quality sleep. okay Because you have to try to ensure that you’re always what’s in called a parasympathetic state. So you don’t want your heart rate variability to to absolutely tank because luckily today we have so much that we can utilize to quantify. So I’ll use like a ring that quantified quantifies my sleep quality and then my heart rate variability. And that tells me, okay, I can train five days a week, I can possibly train six days a week, or I may only train three days a week. Regardless of my age, it’s the ability to recover. That’s what you need to focus on. If you feel really tired, you feel weak, you feel dehydrated, you’re cramping up, whatever it may be, then, you know, maybe you have to miss a day or dependent on the severity of that. Maybe you’re not going to go to the gym and hit free weights and try to hit personal bets. You’re gonna stick to machines and cables and go higher reps, more of a circuit fashion, you know more volume so you don’t ah you know mess with the chance of injury or stressing your central nervous system because you’re pushing really heavy weight. So it all comes by instincts to a certain degree.”

  • Kris challenges himself, and what he is told – he was told not to do cardio when lifting, so did an Iron Man to see if it would make a difference. He continually tests what works best for him, and tests standard thinking, to see what works best for him and his performance.  
  • In the UK, Kris notes that a lot of men struggle with their health, because they have poor hydration. 
  • We all need to be accountable, it is not a easy change, but we can all change and build the body we want. We just need to start the changes to make health a system and part of our lives, hold ourselves accountable and do it continually!

“I think in order to strengthen up your tendons and ligaments you actually do the movements that you want to pursue. So if you want to pursue um let’s say it’s CrossFit then you just need to start doing CrossFit and the CrossFit movements but obviously with a much lighter approach and maybe a ah lot slower and delivered deliberate range of motion when you’re performing that movement. So saying when it comes to bodybuilding, tennis or whatever, you need to be sports specific in order for the adaptation of your connective tissue to usually catch up to your muscle tissue, because obviously the muscle tissue has a good blood supply. It’s able to recover very quickly, tendons and ligaments not so much. So as you said, it’s going to take a little bit longer. So you just start off with that protocol. You still train to failure. I get all my clients to train to failure regardless of their starting level, but maybe the weight is going to be so much lighter and their rest periods are going to be so much shorter. So you don’t recover so quickly and efficiently. So we’re able to apply the next set without too much weight that is potentially going to stress the tendons and ligaments. So you kind of want to be weak in the gym, not strong.”

  • One of Kris’s main habits that help him sleep better, level up his knowledge and calm down before bed, is reading! Find out here how Reading is a super power! 
  • Kris is a big fan of feeling, and using the muscles, not ego-lifting, but good, quality, lifting, feeling it through the mind-muscle connection. 

“For sure, 100%. Comfort zones kill you. There’s no doubt about it. That’s why people retire at the age of 60, 65 and then you know emigrate to Spain and then die three years later because they’re comfortable. There’s no purpose. It’s like the universe is saying, there’s no use for you. You’re not reproducing anymore. You have no purpose. We’ll get rid of you. So I think it’s very important, especially us as guys, to kind of go through some suffering. You know, I find bonds are made with other people and yourself through suffering. And I always say that scar tissue is stronger than regular tissue and you want to be harder to kill. You don’t want to be soft. You don’t want to be easy prey. “

  • Kris key supplement is whey protein after the gym, and then eating adequate protein (to find out how much, you will need to listen to the episode!) followed by good sleep.  
  • As you need to eat more to build muscle, you need to be very particular on what you eat, as you are typically eating double the normal amount as average people, imagine what happens if you eat double the amount of bad stuff and what it does to your health! 
  • Kris ensures that he sets time in his diary for his non-debatable actions like meditation, his self-care routine, his supplements, his down time. He knows that he needs to look after himself, so he can then look after his clients and family.
  1. Sign up for the transformative workshop: Build a lean body & optimize for longevity on February 17th 2025

2.  Lose that stubborn fat with Kris’s 12 week fat loss program! Imagine how good you will look when you lose the chunk and that muscle shows!

3.  Commit to drinking more water every single day. Kris notes that it is one of the biggest issues facing modern men in the UK. Get a bottle where you can track your progress, and drink a certain amount each day eg two bottles of a standard water bottle. 


Have your food prepped, so you can focus on your goals!



We ca all build the body we want, but we need to make health part of a system in our life, be consistent, push ourselves hard and focus on making our recovery the best it possibly can be! There is no quick change, no secret sauce, just hard work, good recovery, great sleep, eat well and be consistent! 

We can all change in life and achieve our goals. We need to live true to ourselves, not what others want for us. You can change to be the person you want, but not if you are trying to copy or be like everyone else – you need to focus on your self-care and health, not fitting in! 

Whey protein, good sleep, a lot of water and time for family, should be non negotiables in your schedule! 

Drink more water, as poor hydration is a massive problem in building our muscles and improving our general health! 

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About the Author
I’m a podcaster who interviews great examples of people to discuss and highlight the methods, hacks, tips and procedures you can use in your own life to help you develop and better your life. I would definitely not consider myself an expert, so to improve, I ask them and action it in my own life! My personal journey has been marked by awkwardness and awesomeness, OCD and ‘OMG’. I have suffered with depression, shyness, unhappiness and lack of focus and motivation so I know what’s it like to feel lost and hopeless. Back then, I wished I had a podcast to listen to and find actual fixes and concrete action steps and not just unobtainable suggestions and promotion of their products but couldn’t find it … so I made my own!

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