In this interview, we discuss gems like:
- Who they are
- How did her upbringing influence her diet
- The importance of food in your family, culture and the affect it can have on you
- Her experiences with yo-yo dieting and how societal pressures affect our confidence as much as our look
- Her Rugby career and why she was known as the Chiropractor!
- How food can be an emotional fix and why it is important to teach and educate kids on the virtues of food but more importantly to have a healthy relationship with food.
- How she overcame the bullying she experienced when she was younger
- The realisation she had about our place in this world and the motivation to make an impact on the world
- Her goals for and the achievements she wants to make her mark on the world
- How her entry into competitive eating was done to annoy her brother
- What does she feel is the appeal of her channel
- The joy of food and how a little experimentation can open up a whole new world of tastes
- How her physique reacts to the different challenges
- How does she deal with large quantities of food consumption
- How she has made fitness a priority and a habit, that centers her and keeps her motivation
- Dealing with negative comments, trolls and the ‘interesting’ extremes on social media
- How has she been affected by the COVID-19 outbreak
- How she can reverse engineer her diet to accommodate for the vast quantities and calories she consumes while filming
- Content creation and being an inspiration to others
- Has she got a favourite type of challenge
- The importance of attitude in what you can achieve in life
- How she has learnt to deal with interviews and PR
- How you can connect with them
In this interview, a lot of jewels of self-improvement are discussed. Some of these and their associated thoughts include:
- Food is a very intimate thing – it fuels you, it nourishes you and it keeps you healthy but it can also be very decadent. Eating a balanced diet can allow you to splurge on life treats.
- Yo-yo dieting and the latest fad diets never work. They work on the short term because of the extreme change in your diet causes weight loss, but they are not suitable long term fixes as they normally cause serious damage after a while. Follow Leah’s advice and look to eat a well balanced diet, and you will stay at your favored weight and you can enjoy a treat here and there.
- Your weight is not a representation or indicator of your worth as a person.
- The things you hate when you are younger, are normally the things that people are attracted to when we are older – sadly kids feel that we should be like the others and not embrace our individuality
- We worry about others think of us, and that others are judging what we do, where the reality is that everyone is too busy worrying about their own life and what they have on. Most only realise this too late and will never chase their dreams, don’t be like everyone else. Chase your dreams. If something takes training, go for it, night classes if needs be. If something will take four years to do, why not give it a go as the time will pass in the end anyway. You need to seriously consider what you want out of life, and hopefully like Leah you will not want to be ‘another ant in the sea of ants’ and want to make an impact too, as the world needs and deserves to see your talents.
- If you try and control everything, you will get nowhere. Control the controllables, like the top performers. Find the areas of your life that you can work with and ensure they are where and how you want them and forget about the things you cannot control.
- Competency builds confidence
- Life is too short to do what others want you to do, you need to do what truly drives you and makes you happy. Don’t do what your friends, family or society expect of you, do what makes you happy and you will truly contribute.
- Lifting weights not only challenges you and improves your fitness, it will also help you learn respect, help centre your focus and give you the mental energy to complete your goals in your life.
- Leah has built fitness into her life as a constant factor, something she does as it is part of her as much as a habit, she identifies as being a fit and healthy person. Build the habit of fitness too, and watch as your physical transformation powers your mind to be stronger, more focused and driven. As you achieve your fitness goals, it will seep out into other areas of your life and push you to achieve other non-fitness goals.
- Social media can be a great tool to expand your horizon and connect, but it can open you up to dickheads too. You will not appeal to everyone and you shouldn’t, the variety in life is what makes it so amazing. However, think about the people that you can inspire, that you can motivate and help towards their goals, or making them realise that it is OK for them to go down that particular path. You owe it to the world as much as yourself to showcase your gifts, the people that need to see it or hear it will find you, its worth it to put up with a few knobs along the way when you consider it like that.
- Leah acknowledges that a short blip (eg stopping for a few weeks or months due to lock-down) will not destroy her consistency in the gym in the long-term. By making fitness or whatever a habit, that you consistently do, you allow and accept small breaks or blips that are uncontrollable as you understand that you will not lose the gains straight away, and that they can be brought back up to pre-blip levels with a little intensity after the incident.
- The most success you will get is when you show the truest version of yourself
- Attitude is half the battle … approach things with a positive manner and growth mindset and you are highly likely to be successful
- People will always love you for your greatest flaws.
These are some key actions that you should undertake after listening to this interview:
- Follow Leah’s brilliant YouTube channel here
- Consider using food as a connection tool for family or friends (lock-down rules adherence obviously!)
- Look at your relationship with food and your body image – are you holding a BS attitude towards yourself and judging yourself as less as a man for it? People will always love you for your greatest flaws – stop hiding what makes you attractive!
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