TODAY's GUEST IS Matt Doogue!

Today’s guest is Matt Doogue! 

He is a professional photographer with a passion for capturing unique and stunning macro shots, focusing on capturing the intricate beauty of the natural world. He has worked with some of the most respected names in the industry, and been featured in National Geographic, BBC Earth and Canon. His new book on Macro Photography is now available at Amazon.

Matt has not been shy about his mental health struggles, and his openess, vulnerability and honesty is refreshing and amazing, and so helpful in breaking down the stigma bs that we as men hold in society about what makes us men and is acceptable about men’s mental health and what is considered manly

He is a dedicated conservationist and wildlife enthusiast, who uses his platform to help create debate and understanding on men’s mental health as well as to raise awareness and support for environmental issues. From highlighting the beauty of the nature world, leading outdoor trips, holidays and teaching others, he is helping to educate and inspire others to protect our planet’s natural state.

In this interview, we discuss how you can help your mental health, and how you can use your passions to discover yourself and change your life for the better. Please note, we do cover some topics that you may find emotional, triggering and upsetting but I feel that these are key topics, that need to be discussed and Matt talks freely and openly about his journey and what he has found to work, and these are messages that need to be shared to today’s men. We need to have these discussions, talk freely about who we are as men, what we need help and support with, and learn how to life live on our own journey and terms.

And now let’s get to the interview.

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KEY POINTS, Links & Actions

Here are some key points that I would advise you to concentrate on:

  • Do not hide your talents away, you need to show your true self to the world, the world needs the real you.  
  • Matt started with a second-hand cheap camera. You don’t need to have all the latest gadgets and expensive kits, you just need the basics, either borrowed or bought, and a hit of passion, and you never know where your hobby will take you with a passion. 
  • Matt has had his struggles, and is finding solutions that work for him and his mental health. He talks to local schools etc, to showcase the red flags and issues he struggled with, the wrong turns he took and how he managed to find his way back on the correct path. I would ask that if you have been through something similar, it can help younger kids to hear, so they see the pitfalls, hear solutions, and know it is OK to feel your emotions, talk about problems and know others have been there and you can ask for advice and not alone. 
  • Suicide or suicidal thoughts can happen to anyone. Anyone can find their breaking point coming quickly. Sometimes we don’t notice our red flags until it all piles on us. I would rather listen to your problems than go to your funeral. Feel free to email me if you have no one else to talk to. You are never alone.  
  • Time in nature, time outside in a green space, can let you be in the moment, breathe in fresh air, connect with the world and nature, reset your brain, calm down and be ready to take the world on again! 

  • Use Matt’s amazing work, as he showcases the small unique features in the world, to inspire yourself and blow up your talents and show the real you to the world. 
  • Don’t let others define your hobbies and interests. You can find something interesting that others don’t. You can focus on a particular topic or hobby that others don’t understand, but if it gives you pleasure it is OK to do it. There are billions in the world, your tribe will find your work, passion and creative output.
  • Matt has found ‘me time’ works well for him – self-care methods to help your mental health, and things you do to look after yourself and not interrupted by other things. This can be meditation, exercise, hot baths, doing your hobby, float tanks etc. 
  • Men’s mental health is slowly getting more focus, and the stigma of mental health issues is thankfully changing, so know there are groups like Meetup, the Shed club etc to make other men and do hobbies, there is talk therapy like therapy session, cognitive behavior therapy and neuro-linguistic programming that can help, medication from a doctor and so on. There are always options, if one thing doesn’t work, there are other options for you to try! Please don’t give up! 
  • It’s OK to cry. It’s OK to take time away for self-care. It’s OK to look after yourself. Stop comparing yourself to others. Stop thinking others are judging you all the time. Focus on yourself, ask for help as needed and do what you need. A mental health illness is not a weakness, it is the same as any other health issue, like a broken leg needs a cast, you can get the treatment you need. Stop trying to muscle your way through, speak to those you need to, and work on becoming your own biggest fan in life, and live life on your own terms. 

  • We confirm to the world and society, we are shaped by the peer in society, and we can lose who we are as we try and fit in. It takes a lot of self-understanding and self-belief to live life on your own terms. 
  • Tap into your inner child, find the things that excite you, that inspire you, like Matt did with insects. Find the things that make you feel like a child again, filled with excitement and wonder. You don’t need to be the best, you can suck badly at it, you just need to enjoy it, and do it! 
  • It’s OK to go and speak to a doctor and ask for help. It is OK to speak to a parent, friend, therapist etc and ask for help. We need to stop this stupid belief that men need to sort all things on their own. It is manly to ask for help when needed. It is manly to help others when they need it. It is manly to admit when you are struggling. 
  • You are who you believe you are. No one else gets to tell you that you are bad, worse etc. The most important relationship you have is the one that you have with yourself. Stop listening to others, and build in some self-love, self-care and self-belief. Use affirmations, be creative rather than consume, enjoy some ‘me time’ and find out who you are, listen to your gut and inner voice, not to other people.
  • Matt uses his fund-raising as a way to have a goal and a mission in his life. He sets himself a goal to focus on, work towards and train towards, so he can focus on his goal and achieve it. He uses the accomplishment of goals to overcome the times he feels crap or stuck thinking internally. You can too. You can change your focus to others, to helping others. Stop beating yourself up, pick a target and go forward.

  • Discovering who you are can be one of the hardest things to do, but it is easily the greatest thing that you can do. 
  • We never know the struggles and pressures that others are facing in their private life. Matt faced early struggles, carrying for a relative, and he struggled to fit in with those who didn’t have that level of responsibility. Treat everyone with care, compassion and acceptance, as you never know how much it can help someone during their struggles.   
  • Men tend to struggle more, as we tend to focus more on achievements and things we own, whereas women tend to focus more on connection with others and our families. Focus on helping others and making the world a better place. If you focus only on what you have, you will always feel incomplete as there will always be new things you can’t have or buy, or others can afford and you will judge yourself against them. Instead focus on helping those you meet, focus on making your job, family, friends, experiences in life the best you can. Focus on making the world a better place with you in it, as remember, the world is better with you in it! 
  • One of the things that really helped me and Matt, was taking action. You are not the thoughts in your head. You are not the opinion of other people. You are you, the world needs your uniqueness. Talking about problems helps, but can keep them fresh and discussed over and over. The best thing we did was go out and take action, exercise, medication, anything, taking action on working on yourself and your mental health. By taking action, you start to move forward, it takes the focus off the bad thing, and you focus on your momentum forward, the journey going forward. Start your journey today. 


Key lesson from this interview 


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About the Author
I’m a podcaster who interviews great examples of people to discuss and highlight the methods, hacks, tips and procedures you can use in your own life to help you develop and better your life. I would definitely not consider myself an expert, so to improve, I ask them and action it in my own life! My personal journey has been marked by awkwardness and awesomeness, OCD and ‘OMG’. I have suffered with depression, shyness, unhappiness and lack of focus and motivation so I know what’s it like to feel lost and hopeless. Back then, I wished I had a podcast to listen to and find actual fixes and concrete action steps and not just unobtainable suggestions and promotion of their products but couldn’t find it … so I made my own!

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