TODAY's GUEST IS Michael Sartain!

Today’s guest is Michael Sartain! 

Michael’s a Performance Coach, former Air Force Navigator, Instructor, and Host. His Men of Action program has propelled 400+ men to new heights in under 25 days! And his podcast, The Michael Sartain Show, is a much loved show of discussions on topics sauch as dating, status, connection with a range of opinions and fiery debates.

Michael graduated from the University of Texas at the end of the DotCom Bubble. The lack of jobs led him to be a DJ, and later a manager, at a gentlemen’s club in Austin. He joined the military after the tradegy of 9/11, becoming a navigator in the United States Air Force, winning awards and medals for his service. In 2011 Michael left the Air Force and moved to Las Vegas becoming an event host and eventually a self help coach. Michael hosts pageants, swimsuit competitions and nightclub events in Vegas, and is the MC and recruiter for some extremely large parties and charity events in Los Angelesl.

In 2019 Michael created the Men Of Action program. The program was a culmination of all these lessons and many more. The Men of Action program focuses on five pillars: Social Networking, Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Mindset and Finance to make you a well rounded man with an abundant lifestyle.

In this interview, we discuss becoming a man of action, networking, and changing your story to change your life!

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KEY POINTS, Links & Actions

Here are some key points that I would advise you to concentrate on

  • Men have a burden of performance, we need to produce, to take action, to connect, to become better and to improve themselves and their relationships. 
  • We live in a world where we can order food to our door, the majority of people can travel the world, we can do almost anything we do, we are not struggling, fighting a war, dying young. But we need to understand how good we have it as not everyone does. Learn to be grateful for what we have in the world, our opportunities and go for life by the balls. 
  • Networking skills are one of the best ways to build connections, friendships and obtain opportunities that are not available to the majority of men or anyone. We need to learn how to bond, how to truly connect with others, and build true friendships and experiences with others.
  • Michael is an avid reader, he is always learning and growing. He becomes an interesting person, that people want to connect with, to date and becomes more attractive. “You have to improve yourself to become more attractive to the opposite sex.”
  • Some of the best people in the world, the smartest people have been researched, written about, and featured in documentaries. Success leaves clues! You can pick up a book for free at libraries or buy for £20 or so, see episodes on YouTube etc. There are many ways to learn about people and see what the greats do, that you can add to your skill-set and improve in your life. 
  • There are a number of factors in what makes us attractive, including our body language, communication skills, display of status etc. 
  • You need to find your tipping point, that point where the pain in your life is too much and you need to make a change. Modern living is too easy right now, we don’t really need to challenge ourselves. Michael recommends that we suffer in life, to challenge ourselves. Too many men stay in the comfort zone and take the easy option in life. By staying where you are, it is safe and easy, but you will never achieve your dreams staying where you are.  
  • We all tell ourselves a story about who we are, what the world will allow us to do, what we are capable of … and the majority of stories we tell ourselves are truly shit! We can live the life we want, you just need to kill your ego, change the story that you tell yourself and start living that new story. Change your story, change your life. 
  • Something that you notice, is that Michael is consistently mentioning his friends, and will talk them up, and discuss how well they do and what he is impressed and proud of. We can’t do it all ourselves, you need friends, you need a tribe. ‘Big up’ your friends and family as the kids would say. Be proud of your friends, promote them, encourage them, connect with them above the usual guy level, connect, work together and build yourselves to be the best you can be. 
  • Change the world by change yourself. Improve the world by improving yourself. Become a better man, and it helps improve those and the world around you. 
  • Michael has a deep interest and is constantly reading and growing himself. Forget the BS you are told about what we can learn as we age, and build a life mission to learn as much as you can, and become a man of interest in the world and those around us. 
  • In history, and some remote tribes, men would go to war, to collect food, to protect etc, men were different. We needed to far, we needed to provide etc. We have life too easy right now, and need to add challenges and a focus back in our life. 
  • The self-improvement industry for men is a great tool, and is very helpful. However, too many read and talk about it, and few act and show intent. You can go to courses, read about it etc, but you also need to act. Too many think they are being active in changing themselves by spending money on courses etc but then wonder why they don’t change. You can research, but you need to act! 
  • You are still yourself when you improve and change yourself, if you live authentically and congruently, you can improve yourself and be authentic. “Improving is about integrity“. 
  • Status only matters when it is gained with integrity and effort. 
  • You can tell if you are not living true to your authentic self but the reaction you encounter when you act in a certain way, if your behaviors work for you, and the reaction from your gut. Listen to yourself, your prehistoric self telling you when something is not working right and that you need to change. 
  • Male jealousy is one of the strongest male emotions – we need to learn how to live with a purpose and focus on improving ourselves and others, rather than comparing ourselves but staying in the comfort zone and living with the pain of both.
  • Lying makes you a liar. You need to have direct conversations and confront those that need it, and be open and truthful and have a clear and concise belief.  
  • You can learn from everyone, even those you disagree with. Be like Bruce Lee, absorb what works and forget the rest. Even if you disagree with them, take what works, and forget the rest. 
  • Treat everyone the same and make them talk about themselves“. 


Key lesson from this interview 

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About the Author
I’m a podcaster who interviews great examples of people to discuss and highlight the methods, hacks, tips and procedures you can use in your own life to help you develop and better your life. I would definitely not consider myself an expert, so to improve, I ask them and action it in my own life! My personal journey has been marked by awkwardness and awesomeness, OCD and ‘OMG’. I have suffered with depression, shyness, unhappiness and lack of focus and motivation so I know what’s it like to feel lost and hopeless. Back then, I wished I had a podcast to listen to and find actual fixes and concrete action steps and not just unobtainable suggestions and promotion of their products but couldn’t find it … so I made my own!

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