TODAY's GUEST IS Michelle Rose!
Today’s guest is Michelle Rose, a transformative Yoga, Pilates, and Breathwork expert, and the visionary creator of Project La Femme.
Michelle’s mission is to guide people back to their divine selves—away from the hustle, over-giving, and chasing that can lead to burnout.
Through her work, she inspires people to drop their shields, embrace their softer nature, and reignite their inner magnetism. Whether you’re seeking balance, healing, or a deeper connection with yourself, Michelle’s wisdom is a game-changer.
Tune in for a powerful conversation about surrender, self-care, and stepping into your true feminine power and truly find yourself!
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- Read the transcript of the interview here: Michelle Rose interview-transcript
- The great Project La Femme can be found here!
- Find out how to work with Michelle for her Yoga and Breathwork services here!
- Michelle’s Yoga Instagram is here!
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KEY POINTS, Links & Actions
Here are some key points that I would advise you to concentrate on
- Michelle found her calling at her worst time, and the self-care method she found, inspired her to use it to help others. You can find your calling anywhere, even at your lowest ebb!
- Movement and deep-breathing helped Michelle to clean out her mental mess, and it become more grounded to her life and her mission – try Headspace’s awesome guided meditation videos for an easy entry to meditation.
- A relationship should help enhance your life, not define it or save it.
- Take time to go outside and be engaged with nature, as it helps you become grounded and connected to the world again.
- Rules, behaviors, expectations, beliefs and so on from others can shape our actions. However, we need to step back and look to discover the real version of ourselves as we can be on a different alignment or path than we thought, and its by stepping away from the norm and chasing your real dreams and beliefs, that you truly live for yourself and not others.
“So that’s how I dealt with it. It’s like, I couldn’t think myself free. I had to really go deep into my subconscious and breathe it out, feel it out, cry it out, scream it out. and then receive the wisdom, which took me full circle. It was like, um what do they call it? Like radical forgiveness, like understanding it from all angles and to to a point where there’s like, oh, there’s nothing to forgive. I see if other people are involved, I see the innocence ah and they’re part of it. And if it was just me, I see full circle. Like if I’m stuck in the, like what I did wrong, I got to see how it wasn’t my fault at all.”
- Feel the fear and do it anyway. You grow when you face your fears. Fear will always be there. So the best advice I have heard, is to give your fear a name. When you name a fear, it loses its edge, it becomes something you know, not something you can fear. You can say things like ‘not just now Eugene, I am about to do X, watch me’ and by removing the power of the fear, you grow and embolden yourself. Fear is just trying to keep you safe. Feel it, understand it, see if the message it has is something you need to do to keep yourself safe, or adapt your plan to be as safe as possible and go for it. Fear wants to help you live and not die, it doesn’t mean to hold us back, but we have learnt to treat fear as the enemy, not a friend here to help. So name him and work with him for your success.

- You can’t fix another, not even someone you deeply love, they need to want to change for themselves. You can only change yourself, and hope that you inspire them to want to better themselves for themselves and the relationship.
- The only timeline for life you need to follow is your own, not the one that society suggests you have to follow.
- You can change your life at any time. Michelle decided to give her wildest dreams a chance, she took the berserker confidence burst and went for her dreams – what would happen if you did the same?
“There’s another little saying that I really, really keep with me all the time is that our lower self wants to say the same or or go back to the past, but our higher self always wants to grow and evolve and expand. And that doesn’t happen without discomfort.”
- The male ego will try and ignore our feminine energy and what we need to do to address it. It is not a slight on your masculinity to acknowledge you have feminine energy, we have the ying and the yang, the masculine and the feminine, both sides to make us whole, so work with both and treat each side as it needs to make you work at your full potential.
- Surrender and trust yourself. You will see things change, the universe and your gut will give you signs when you are following the right path for yourself and what you truly want in life.
- You don’t need to do it alone, we are social animals. You can find your tribe, people that want the best for you, and promote and help you level up. Coaches, mentors, friends and family are some options of people that can help. You can use sites like Meetup.com to find people with similar groups, or volunteer work etc to meet new people. Stop letting your ego make you believe that you need to do it all. You can ask for help. Asking others for help and support is a mature and sensible thing. We all have unique skills and experience and their views and training can help you level up in a way you never thought possible. Stop trying to be it all, find those who help and inspire you and level up.

- Time cannot be stopped, it will pass anyway, do the thing. Go for the qualification. Ask the person out. Train for that event. Time will pass regardless, its better to have an experience from it than another regret.
- The only person that you need to be better than is the person that you were yesterday. You should only compare yourself to the you from before to know you are on the right path, and this is your journey, follow your own path, not someone else’s path or what society expects from people according to the latest culture.
- Michelle found out the plight of trying to numb your own gut instinct to have to change, by drinking, using it to dampen the voice from within that wants you to live on your own terms, and follow your own dreams, not those dictated by others.
- A lot of people attract the opposite energies to themselves in their partners, so it is helpful to understand yourself, to understand what your partner needs and wants from the relationship. By understanding both of you, you will give the relationship the best chance possible.
- Listen to that inner voice, the part of you that says what it wants and needs, regardless of how different it is from the norm, or from who you thought you were. Be creative, step outside your comfort zone, play the sport, learn the language, whatever it is, go for it. We are all going to die at some point. Live your life for you, help others, give back to others, don’t die with the real you hidden away, never seeing the real potential of yourself.
- Listen to yourself. If you feel a need to create, to give back, follow that message. Start a podcast, paint, draw, volunteer, start a group, build a business. Whatever it is, follow the message, give back, we are here to give back to others, to make the world a better place, follow your own mission, that inner message about what you can and should be in life.
- You will never please everyone. You will never be everyone’s cup of tea or favourite. You will have haters and people who dislike you and your work. Let your ego slide, don’t let a naysayer dictate what you do. Look at the comment, take what is true or a way to improve on and grow, and ignore the silly insults etc. Produce your work, help others, but don’t live being dictated by others views and actions.

- You will never be happy seeking external validation. Nothing will ever be enough, no one can ever make you feel worthy, the only way you can feel truly happy and content is falling back in love with yourself and living to your mission and values.
“The external chasing is wounded energy”
- We all have male and female energy, wounded and healthy energies. We need to learn to dial into our habits and behaviors and see how we are acting depending on the real motivation behind the actions.
- A lot of men act out when they suppress their emotions, by trying to hold onto their child needs, rather than grow into the person they should and can be. Sometimes to be the full version of yourself, you need to reparent your inner-child and heal the wounds of your past, to help have a better future. Please see my interview with Yats Palat for more info on this.
- We all feel shame but it shouldn’t control us and stop us living. Shadow work, feeling the options, crying, breath-work, journalling etc, can all help you face the message that the shame is trying to tell you, and learn and grow from it. Let it out, feel the emotion, release the energy and then understand the wisdom and the message behind it, to help yourself grow and develop to the next level of your life.
- Our human body are an amazing thing, but we all have our own insecurities. We all have our demons, our things we hate or compare ourselves and we need to challenge this.Our bodies hold a lot of the wounded energies we hold, and we need to fall back in love with ourselves and our bodies, all the bumps, bruises and blips, they are part of us and make us … us! See your own beauty and self in your body.
“So gratitude plugs you into source, so write down 10 things you’re grateful for. Then write down three people that you want to send love to. Like imagine sources sending love through your heart to them, even if you’re really pissed off with them, especially those people. Three people you want to send love to. And then just spend five minutes in in silence just try and go pretty blank focus on your breath and let the process work for you and he’s like that’s it just keep repeating that so I do that there’s one little process and I don’t know how it works but he said it will just somehow solve problems so I do it and and big business people have done this and he’s like the results are phenomenal and they really are like when I’m when I’m struggling with something it gets sorted out in in a beautiful way somehow.”
Rules, behaviors, expectations, beliefs and so on from others can shape our actions. However, we need to step back and look to discover the real version of ourselves as we can be on a different alignment or path than we thought, and its by stepping away from the norm and chasing your real dreams and beliefs, that you truly live for yourself and not others.

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