Today’s guest is Miko Hytonen.
Miko is a someone who I wanted to interview, as they are a great example of someone who making a giant transformation in their life, someone who has found their true passion and used it to become the man he wanted to be.
Miko is now inspiring others to do so using his love for BJJ and by working on small incremental steps, Miko has gone from bad guy to BJJ coach and social media legend. I discovered him via his awesome Instagram page, where he demonstrated stunning techniques, with insane levels of passion and intensity … all with a massive smile on his face. His positive approach and lust for life are so inspiring that he will motivate you to chase your dreams, and get there by achieving your 1% improvement each day.
In this interview, we discuss his story, his troubled beginning, from bad guy to BJJ love, how he used his passion to transform himself, ways to attract better relationships using your passion, his love of coaching and his dreams for the future.
For reference and openness, this interview was recorded a while back, when I had my old mic and my audio quality isn’t great, but I knew I had to share this as Miko provides a lot of great insights and he is a example to everyone listening. Unfortunately, there are some dodgy audio bits on my side and some annoying kickback from my old laptop, making some bits hard to achieve, but you are listening for Miko, not me! N
As you listen, I want you to think though, if Miko can make such a big change … what is stopping you from achieving those dreams or making that change you want/need in your life?
In this interview, we discuss gems like:
- Who they are
- How did he get into martial arts.
- Cross-training different martial arts and how he found his passion for BJJ.
- The impact that BJJ had on his life. helping him avoid continuing down a dark path
- How to become a better training partner training BJJ
- How did he transform his life from behaving badly to starting martial arts again
- The benefits of BJJ and the need to work hard for your goals
- Where the inspiration for his channel come from
- How BJJ can give you a structure in life, and remove the stress and anxiety raised during life’s daily struggles
- Hacks he has learnt to learn BJJ quicker and more efficiently
- How he built a BJJ blueprint to pull all the movement and submission threads together, into a spiders web of learning
- His pre-training routines
- How should people traing to lose the egos and be open to be taught
- Why he transitioned from performer to coach
- The unusual benefits of BJJ on other aspects of your life
- How to achieve your 1% better goal everyday
- What is a normal week setup for him
- How his passion for BJJ helped him attract his partner
- How do you keep the spark alive in a long term relationship
- How he uses tattoos to highlight important memories in his life
- How has his life changed as he has become a father
- How you can connect with them
In this interview, a lot of jewels of self-improvement are discussed. Some of these and their associated thoughts include:
- Miko is very passionate about life, he is continually having fun. You will learn faster when you are having fun. If you are just trying to learn like you did at school, you will struggle. Life is too short, have fun and smash it.
- Miko participated in a number of different martial arts when he was younger. His cross-training helped his skills develop by allowing him to use the key concepts he learnt in the martial arts to understand the concepts in the other art, and then focus on the specialties of the art. How could you use transferable skills from one hobby or interest to accelerate your learning of another?
- Miko admits he wasn’t always the fun guy he is today, and was a ‘bad boy’. However, he realised that he could change by admitting his faults and working on being a better person. It is not where you currently are that you should focus on, instead focus on where you can go and grow as a person.
- Miko isn’t trying to be a world champion. He is looking to improve 1% per day, he is looking to learn from others, keep working and grinding and doing it all with a smile on his face. A lot of us give up too easily when you get past the beginner parts of learning something new and the real work comes in, we give up because it has become too difficult as we put too much pressure on ourselves. By implementing Miko’s philosophy, and just wanting to improve at least 1% each day, you remove the stress and pressure you put on yourself, have fun and you can focus solely on learning and understanding rather than worrying.
- You can learn from anyone you interact with, lose the ego and be open to all ideas and concepts. In BJJ for example you never improve if you just work your best moves, passes and subs all the time, you need to work on your weaknesses to be awarded more stripes and belts as your Professor needs to see you are well rounded, and you may find that your weakness can be turned into a strength with some tinkering or at least see a new way of looking at things as you will have more reference points about it.
- Help others. If you can’t show someone brand new how to do x, y or z simply and in laymen terms, then you don’t know it well enough yourself.
- You need to be present in whatever you are doing. Put down the phone, switch off thoughts on your dinner or the annoying person at work. You need to learn to focus your attention on the thing at hand. We are bad at trying to multi-task and getting nowhere. Its hard to not pay attention when someone is choking you out. BJJ is a great way to learn how to be in the moment, and present, which can then be transferable to other areas of your life.
- Tapping is not a sign of weakness, it is a way of keeping you safe. Learn to tap quickly and obviously so you keep yourself safe. Rolling a lot is always better than trying to fight through pain and avoid tapping – it is not a sign of you being less of a man. Tap when caught properly, learn from it and go again. Don’t struggle through pain and injury in life. Tap, ask for help, pay a company to fix something, speak to a therapist etc, whatever you need to do to progress. Tap, learn from your mistake, revise your plan and go again until you succeed or get that 1% better.
- You won’t be perfect, you won’t know all the information and have all the skills that you need to progress but no one does when they start, we are all beginning from zero. Don’t think you need to know everything and be great at everything to start. But you need to start to be great.
- Sport and fitness, especially martial arts are a great constant in your life. If everything else has hit the shit, martial arts will help bring you back, you forget all the bad stuff, become present to the moment and the endorphins afterwards will make your day better.
These are some key actions that you should undertake after listening to this interview:
- Find your passion. It might not be BJJ but you know deep down what makes you truly happy. Forget what others tell you to do. Find that thing that truly excites you and see how far you can go with it.
- Figure out where you want to go in life, sit down and write out what you want from life. Don’t worry so much about the how you want to get there, just what you want from life. Be as specific as you can. Once you have a clearly defined set of goals, things are much easier.
- Next step, work on improving yourself at least 1% more than you were yesterday in an aspect of your life. Listen to the interview for tips on how you can do this, but start now, start today. You can source the info and help you need along the way. Time will pass regardless, so you can spend ten years sulking or ten years achieving, it is up to you.
- Put your goals somewhere for a constant reminder and get to work on getting where you want to be in life.
You will want to follow this guest in the future. To do so, click on the links below:
- Miko’s website is right here
- Miko can be found on Instagram here
- Miko can be found on Facebook by clicking here
- Miko is killing it on YouTube here
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