Today’s special guest is Rian Stone, a speaker and writer known for his Red Pill approach to dating. He shares insights into the psychological barriers men face that hinder a satisfying romantic life, as well as the societal challenges intertwined with these issues.
In our conversation, we explore strategies for attracting partners, overcoming personal struggles, and creating a life that not only draws others in but also one that brings personal fulfillment.



  • Who he is 
  •  How did he get into the Red Pill pick up scene?
  •  During his life transformation period, how did he analyse what to keep around and what to trim out of his life?
  • Where modern day men go wrong in life
  •  The value of taking responsibility for your own life
  • The importance of testosterone on men today
  • How changes in today’s society has changed the role of men and the effect of this 
  • The effect of how the media portrays men on how men perceive themselves and how they act
  • How society views the red pill movement and his opinion of it
  • The worst mindset for going out to meet women
  • What is causing the massive decrease in sex amongst couples today and more importantly the desire for it
  • The importance of diet of diet on our diets and general health
  • Which aspect of your life should you start changing first to make it better
  • Red flags to look out for potential problems in a relationship
  • Your mindset for going out and what you should aim to achieve
  • The key to building true friendships
  • The importance of logistics 
  • Can you really remove the ego from the situation or does that remove your personality too?
  • His brilliant takeaway that he wants everyone listening to have from this interview
  • How can people keep in touch with him and review his awesome content


  •  Your history makes you who you are. Don’t be ashamed of it, learn from it. Don’t like something from your past? Learn from it and don’t do it again. Don’t moan about it, grow from it. 
  • There is nothing wrong with learning to get better with women, there is nothing sleazy about it unless you get sleazy and take advantage, which is a dick move
  • Stop putting women on a pedestal, you are a prize to be women. The women in your life need to provide value to it or you can not let them be part of it. You need to switch mindsets and see the value of you, not the value of a chance at sex and having to put up with the girl providing it, no matter how awful they are. 
  • Just because men’s roles in society have changed in today’s society, it doesn’t mean you are worthless, you just need to find what you identify with and build from there, find what you want to do and build your worth from that
  • You need to build a community of other men, of friends to connect with, to laugh with, to build experiences with. There is no system in place for guys to get it anymore. You need to go out and get it. 
  • Ask yourself what do you want from life and take some time answering it. Write it out. Be open and honest … and most importantly truthfully. It is the first step in true change and proper happiness in your life.
  • Men need to have a mission in our lives, something that makes you want to get out of bed and go an achieve something in life. We are missing having rituals and missions in our lives, something that was very prevalent in previous generations.
  • You need to plan your nights our into achievable, manageable steps
  • You need to learn how to be comfortable in uncomfortable situations, these are the times that you will grow and develop into a better version of yourself during
  • You need to change for yourself, not for anyone else. You need to want to change to become a better version of yourself.



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About the Author
I’m a podcaster who interviews great examples of people to discuss and highlight the methods, hacks, tips and procedures you can use in your own life to help you develop and better your life. I would definitely not consider myself an expert, so to improve, I ask them and action it in my own life! My personal journey has been marked by awkwardness and awesomeness, OCD and ‘OMG’. I have suffered with depression, shyness, unhappiness and lack of focus and motivation so I know what’s it like to feel lost and hopeless. Back then, I wished I had a podcast to listen to and find actual fixes and concrete action steps and not just unobtainable suggestions and promotion of their products but couldn’t find it … so I made my own!

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