TODAY's GUEST IS Ruben Rojas!
Today’s guest is Ruben Rojas!
In 2013, Rojas traded in his suit for a paint brush and began transforming blank walls into unique empowering messages that today are uplifting communities and challenging the public to create new dialogues.
Rubens’ mission is to ignite creativity and inspire others to see the world through the lens of love.
Ruben partners with companies who aim to give back, enhance workspaces and raise awareness of important issues. Some of his collaborations include BMW, American Express, Ava’s Kitchen, W Hotels and more.
His mission is to Creating a Culture of Love by using art to inspire others to Choose Love!
As he says “Live Through Love is a way of life. Living through love is an active choice from the heart. It may be much easier to live in gloom and act from fear, but when you live through love, life is so much more beautiful.”
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- You can listen to Ruben’s podcast here.
- You can see some of Ruben’s amazing work here!
- Ruben’s merch store is here!
- Interview with Brent Smith mentioned here.
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KEY POINTS, Links & Actions
Here are some key points that I would advise you to concentrate on:
- We all have a purpose in life. It can be hard to find, but we realise what we are here for when we find it and how we can improve the world by following our purpose.
- You can change your life at any time, by simply changing your life (see interview with Brent Smith on how to do this).
- Art is subjective, and creates strong emotions and can inspire, shock, teach and so much in-between. What changes in the world could you make by creating things in the world to help and change others?
- What you consume each day is what shapes you, grounds you, inspires you or scares you. Be careful of the daily ‘art’ we consume, and ensure you are looking as much as possible through a lens of love rather than through fear.
- What you create will resonate and help others. People will follow your message, interact with what you create, and be helped and inspired by it. It is selfish to not put it out there. Money, as Ruben said, is a by-product of doing it, and it pays the bills! You can make money and art, it is not a sell out to make money from your art.
- Look at what you have heightened emotions about. What makes you feel emotive, angry, frustrated etc. Look at the message that these universal notifications are telling you that you need to do in life, or deal with.
- You may encounter issues with family and friends who try and avoid you changing, they want the best for you, and want you to make money and sales etc to be successful, but not everyone can see your true wants or journey up front, and can try and talk you out of it. You need to remember this is your life, your short journey on this rock in space, go out and create and chase your dreams!
- You will know when you are on the right path, it just feels right. You will feel drawn forward by the universe, more than a career path or chase finances, your mission will light you up, make you want to get out of bed and get on the path again each day to learn and grow more.
- Love is something that we should be sharing with others. Giving it others. Putting it out into the world and helping others live through love. How could you help others live through love in life?
- Sometimes when making art, you can get lost in creating. Therefore, it can help to have a focus, a mission, a rough plan or timescale in what you are creating, so you finish what you are doing, and start creating and putting things out there, and not get lost in analysis paralysis and end up sitting there not doing anything.
- You can find yourself through creativity, by finding a hobby or a passion that lets you create, create things to inspire others etc rather than just consume like so many of us are currently doing.
- Ruben noticed like a lot of guys, that he was living for the weekend when he wasn’t following his passion. It can be a lonely road and scary to start on that journey, but it can be life changing and take you to a level you never thought was possible!
- You can learn in some many ways in life, you don’t need to follow the traditional paths in life. There are so many new routes, new ways to learn, find masters and coaches to assist and so on – if you can’t find a path to the goals you want, then make one! You don’t need to follow the path, you find your own way!
- We all have a voice inside ourselves, a voice that is telling us what we truly want in life, who we can be, what we need to do to become who we are capable of being. We just need to cancel the noise we are creating to ignore it, change our lens from fear to love, and listen to that voice and start your journey right now.
- Don’t hold back on your journey (within reason). Trial new things, create with as many methods as possible, be open and willing to explore and learn things, and be open to things as they change, and change with them. Ruben is always looking to change himself and let his art grow and flow as the times and interests change. As he says, his a work in progress, we all are, don’t restrict yourself and try everything to find your something.
- Stop letting money, items and other material items define you. Ruben found himself and his true happiness when he follow his own path of creativity and following his message of living through love.
- Ruben showed faith in himself and his path, going forward, always looking to improve, change and evolve himself and learn more about himself, art, love and life. What could you do with your life, starting now, if you did the same?
- A lot of men are living in fear. We fear change, we fear taking a chance, we fear taking opportunities in case we mess up or aren’t successful. Fear isn’t a bad thing, it can help push you, keep you safe etc, it shouldn’t keep you hiding yourself from love, life and what you can truly achieve in life.
- Following your path won’t always be perfect. You will make mistakes. You will have troubles, problems and bad things will happen. Making mistakes is part of life. We just need to have faith in ourselves and keep trying. It is through mistakes and learning, that we truly find ourselves and what we are capable of doing and creating.
- You need to love yourself as much as the love that you give others and put into the world. Look after yourself. Love yourself. Care for yourself. Build a self-care routine. Learn to love yourself and who you are. Forgive your mistakes, forgive yourself and love yourself. Love others and put love out into the world!
We all have a voice inside ourselves, a voice that is telling us what we truly want in life, who we can be, what we need to do to become who we are capable of being. We just need to cancel the noise we are creating to ignore it, change our lens from fear to love, and listen to that voice and start your journey right now.
A lot of men are living in fear. We fear change, we fear taking a chance, we fear taking opportunities in case we mess up or aren’t successful. Fear isn’t a bad thing, it can help push you, keep you safe etc, it shouldn’t keep you hiding yourself from love, life and what you can truly achieve in life.
You will know when you are on the right path, it just feels right. You will feel drawn forward by the universe, more than a career path or chase finances, your mission will light you up, make you want to get out of bed and get on the path again each day to learn and grow more.
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