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Who: Tonight’s guest is the entrepreneur, life coach and social dynamic extraordinaire, Wade Alters. He was formerly dating coach Brad Branson from Real Social Dynamics and is now venturing out with his new company 3 Impact Training, whose aim is to coach men on how to become men in today’s society. In this interview, we discuss core beliefs, identity, overcoming limitations and how to become the man you always wanted to become. We go pretty deep on this one and Wade will help you drop the bs baggage and discover things hidden inside you that you won’t believe possible.
What we cover
- Who he is
- What he thinks makes a good man
- What he thinks is masculinity
- 6 pillars of self-esteem
- Can you change deep-seated beliefs
- Why he never uses the word ‘stress’ – how language affects your identity
- An exercise he does with his clients on how to identify and fix issues with your core beliefs
- Are there common problems men have across the globe with women, dating and life
- How to build confidence and be successful worldwide
- How to build friendships that support, motivate and help you drive to your goals
- What are the key skills that every man should have
- Why you need a mentor
- Never eat alone Keith Ferrazzi
- Elite Level Networking
- Meetup.com & True Mentors.com
- Transitioning from employee to employer and building a business
- The Four Pillars of Lifestyle Development is a good starting point product to check out
- The Wade Alters Show Podcast
- Stunning client transformations
- What he attributes his success down to – why you chase the golden nugget
- The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It – Michael E. Gerber
- Who he looks to as a role model in his life
- Is building a business the same as building yourself
- His take on online dating and the effects on modern man
- Is there framework that works to get women
- How you can keep in touch with him
- So much more
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wm7a6dqwAMo[/embedyt]
Connect with the Guest
- Visit Wade’s website here
- Like Wade on Facebook here
- Subscribe to Wade’s Youtube here
- Follow Wade on Instagram here
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Something to reflect on
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becoming the man you want to be beliefs core beliefs Identity Overcoming your limitations Podcast Wade Alters