TODAY's GUEST IS Yats Palat!
Today’s guest is Yats Palat!
Yats is a relationship and inner work Guru who specialises in healing past trauma and reparenting the inner child. He uses his skills of psychoanalysis to get behind the curtains into people’s minds, helping them discover the blocks and self limitations that prevent them from living a life of love and freedom. His company has grown to support people across the world through his therapeutic programs and retreats.
Outside of work, Yats has an incredibly alive “inner child”, loving, laughing and connecting with souls and helping them love their inner children too. He is incredibly approachable and loves travel, sports, humour and play.
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KEY POINTS, Links & Actions
Here are some key points that I would advise you to concentrate on
- You are not defined by your job, your history or experiences. You can change your story anytime.
- You can change your life by changing your core and healing your inner child.
- Trauma affects us all in different ways, and wounds can be created from any place. Trauma is unique and needs to be approached in a unique method for fixing.
- Our main instinct is to survive, at our deepest level, our brain wants us to survive, and we can act in ways that go against what we think we want, because our brain wants to keep us coping even if its in an unhealthy way.
- You have to feel safe to be able to change. However, it can be a very lonely and individual journey, when we go through our healing phase.
- Compassion to our hurt self is a key to change.
- What you are attached to or hurting from the most is a sign that it is something you may need to tackle that pain point to heal.
- Our pain and inner-self wounds cause us to live unhappy and healthy lives. We need to shine a light on our dark places and deal with the demons we find to become happier again.
- We are not our thoughts. We are shaped by our culture, our history etc. We can create a new version of ourselves by making peace with the past, and healing the wounds remaining.
- Men tend not to know how to handle our own emotions, and use sources like casual sex, drinks, and drugs to cope with out emotions as we do not know how to cope with the emotions in a healthy release and understanding.
- Our ego encourages our old programming and tries to keep us safe. However, it will fight you hard, when you try and change.
- You need to truly see yourself for who you are, you need to stop trying to shame yourself or avoid the pain, and instead of looking back with hate, look back with compassion and try and heal and comfort the former version of yourself to be a happier person now.
- We are psychological sponges when we are younger. Our beliefs and approach in life, is shaped by our inner child, by how we are raised and the examples of life that we see by family and friends.
- Neuroception is the act of us discovering who we are by how the world around us treats us.
- When we are wounded, we tend to try and heal our inner wounds by purchasing items and purchases to try and buy our self-esteem, which never helps.
- Addictions are a dangerous method of coping mechanisms to deal with emotions and pain, that you haven’t learnt how to deal with so far.
- Having others in an accountability partner fashion, is a great help, to support you, to feel safety within the process and one another, and it lets you be able to start to change. Find those who are also going through their own journey and work for one another, and be accepting and open to change and help each other become the person you want to be.
- Our subconscious mind is what drives us, but as children, our brains are not fully developed and we cannot always understand reasoning for actions and accept the understanding of these as a fault of you as a person not from them or actions.
- Our brains hate change, and will stick to our programming even if it sucks, and we will repeat the same mistakes each time, each new relationships etc, until we understand and find a more healthier understanding. We would rather live in pain than to change.
- Just because we have inner wounds and pain, it is not an excuse to be a dickhead! We need to understand where our pain and problems come from and work on them, and deal with them healthily, and not to hurt others or use them to find the things you missed from your childhood. Fix yourself for a better live.
- We do what we do with our current level of understanding and what we have. We cannot blame others and have to accept how we are showing up, but we should not settle for it. We should be looking to change and heal our wounds and shame and be happier and healthier people.
- You can see how waffley and self defensive I become during the inner-work exercise that Yats put me through, the ego coming out. Expect to be defensive, expect to try and justify your actions etc. It is common, be open and willing to change, and keep trying and you will get there.
You are not defined by your job, your history or experiences. You can change your story anytime.
We are psychological sponges when we are younger. Our beliefs and approach in life, is shaped by our inner child, by how we are raised and the examples of life that we see by family and friends. Our brains hate change, and will stick to our programming even if it sucks, and we will repeat the same mistakes each time, each new relationships etc, until we understand and find a more healthier understanding. We would rather live in pain than to change.
Compassion to our hurt self is a key to change.
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